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GEICO Insurance Claims in Virginia

Dealing With GEICO Insurance Claims

Dealing with GEICO insurance claims in Virginia can be a confusing and stressful process. As one of the state’s largest auto insurance providers, GEICO has become notorious for its aggressive tactics when handling claims. Knowing what to expect before filing a claim against the company is essential. Even if you feel like you have a strong case, don’t go up against them alone – hiring an experienced lawyer is your best bet for getting justice from GEICO. With our help, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you get the compensation you deserve.

personal injury lawyer helping with GEICO Insurance Claims process

Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci: Experienced GEICO Insurance Claims Lawyers

Dealing with an insurance company after a car accident can be frustrating and overwhelming. With knowledge and experience in handling GEICO insurance claims, our attorneys are dedicated to fighting for you through the claims process. As car accident lawyers, we can handle every aspect of your claim, so you don’t have to worry about anything. To learn more about how our firm can help with your GEICO insurance claim, contact us today for a free consultation.

Do I Need to File a GEICO Claim After a Car Accident in Virginia?

Suppose you were involved in a car accident in Virginia, and the other driver is a GEICO policyholder. In that case, you should file a claim with GEICO Insurance. GEICO is required by law to investigate all claims made against its policyholders. Your best bet would be to call the company directly or go online to submit a claim. Although the claims process may seem straightforward, always contact a car accident lawyer with experience handling GEICO insurance claims to ensure your rights are protected and you are not taken advantage of by the insurance company.

Be Cautious of the Government Employees Insurance Company (GEICO)

When dealing with GEICO claims, remember that they are a business, and their primary goal is profit-making. This means that they may attempt to deny your claim or offer you an unreasonably low settlement amount. No insurance company wants to lose money, so they often attempt to pay out the smallest amount possible that leaves you helpless.

This is why having a car accident lawyer on your side is vital from the beginning. An experienced lawyer can advise you on how to handle your car insurance claim best to get total compensation for your accident.

Have you already submitted a car accident claim with GEICO? If your claim is denied or you feel the settlement offered is insufficient to cover your damages, contact the car accident attorneys at Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci to help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

GEICO's Settlement Negotiation Strategies causing stress

GEICO’s Settlement Negotiation Strategies

GEICO is known for using several tactics to lower its liability in car accident claims. These strategies can include denying the claim, delaying payments, and offering unreasonably low settlement amounts. GEICO is also known to ignore dollar amounts of your medical expenses and instead replace the actual amount with a general amount they call “usual and customary charges.” They have their own team of medical advisors who may deem your medical bills exaggerated or unnecessary. Which GEICO then uses as a legitimate reason to pay you less than you owe.

To protect yourself from GEICO’s tactics, contact an experienced car accident lawyer immediately. The attorneys at Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci have extensive experience dealing with GEICO accident claims. We can ensure that your rights are protected throughout the entire process.

How To Maximize Your Virginia Car Accident Claim

While handling your claim alone through the seemingly simple GEICO claims center may be tempting, hiring an attorney can significantly increase your chances of receiving total compensation for your losses.

Here are some strategies we recommend to help you obtain the best possible outcome for your car accident case:

Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

Insurance companies, like GEICO, have a team of adjusters and lawyers working to minimize the amount they pay out in claims. Having a skilled lawyer working for you can level the playing field and help you maximize your Virginia car accident claim.

Our experienced attorneys can guide you through the complex legal process, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, identify all possible sources of compensation, and we work on a contingency fee basis.

If you have been injured in a car accident in Virginia, contact Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci today for a free consultation.

Document Everything

One of the most critical steps in maximizing your Virginia car accident claim is to document every aspect of the accident and your injuries. This includes taking pictures of the accident scene and damage to your vehicle, collecting witness statements, and keeping track of all medical treatment and expenses. By documenting everything and providing your attorney with as much information as possible, you can increase your chances of obtaining the maximum compensation available to you under Virginia law.

Never Accept the First Settlement Offer

One common tactic used by insurance companies like GEICO is offering a meager initial settlement in hopes that you will accept it immediately. They know that many car accident victims are in a vulnerable position and may be willing to take whatever money they can get. However, it is essential to remember that the first offer is seldom the best.

Before accepting any settlement offer, consider all your options carefully and consult an experienced car accident lawyer. Your lawyer can review the offer and advise you on whether it is fair and reasonable, given the circumstances of your case. They can also negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to try to secure a better settlement.

Remember, once you accept a settlement offer, you typically cannot go back and ask for more money later. Often, there are future medical expenses in the wake of a car accident. You deserve compensation for these expenses too! This is why it is essential to ensure you are getting the full compensation you are entitled to under the law. By working with a skilled lawyer and never accepting the first settlement offer, you can maximize your chances of receiving the financial support you need to recover from your car accident fully.

Keep Communication With Insurers to a Minimum

While speaking with your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company may be tempting, anything you say can and will be used against you in negotiations. A GEICO claims adjuster does not have your best interests at heart. Their job is to protect the insurance company’s financial interests, which often means minimizing the amount they pay out in claims.

A GEICO adjuster may try to downplay the severity of your injuries, which can significantly reduce the amount of compensation you receive. It is best to let your lawyer handle all communication with insurers to avoid these pitfalls. We recommend seeking legal guidance before providing a statement to an insurance adjuster. Your attorney can carefully craft statements that protect your legal rights and ensure you are not exploited.

woman in a car accident

File A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Suppose all negotiations fail, and the insurance company refuses to offer a fair and reasonable settlement. In that case, the next step is to file a personal injury lawsuit. Filing a lawsuit sends a message to the insurer that you are serious about obtaining the compensation you are entitled to under Virginia law.

However, filing a lawsuit is a complex and time-consuming process that requires the skill and expertise of an experienced car accident lawyer. Your attorney can handle all aspects of your lawsuit, from filing the initial paperwork to conducting discovery and litigating on your behalf in court.

By filing a lawsuit, you can present your case to a judge and jury and ask them to award you the compensation you deserve. This compensation may include damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, car repairs, and more. With a skilled attorney by your side, you can maximize your chances of success in court and obtain the financial support you need to move forward after your auto accident.

What If You Are in an Accident With an Uninsured Driver?

Suppose you are in an accident with a driver without insurance coverage. In that case, you may be entitled to compensation from your own insurance carrier. If GEICO is your insurer, they should provide uninsured motorist coverage that can help protect you when this situation occurs.

How the Law Firm of Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci Can Help You With Your Virginia GEICO Claim

Insurance companies have legal teams working for them, so you deserve to have one working for you. Hiring a car accident attorney can make a massive difference in the outcome of your Virginia car accident claim. Our experienced attorneys can handle every aspect of your claim and fight for your rights so that you can focus on your recovery.

Not all law firms have experience dealing with the tactics of large insurance companies like GEICO, which can limit the amount of compensation you receive. Our law firm has decades of experience handling claims against major insurance companies, including GEICO. We know how to navigate their tactics and fight for the maximum compensation our clients are entitled to. We work tirelessly to identify the total value of your claim and refuse to be intimidated by these companies.

Our experienced attorneys can:

  • Evaluate your claim and calculate the full value of your losses
  • Investigate the accident, collect evidence, and determine the fault
  • Negotiate with GEICO insurance adjusters to secure a fair settlement offer
  • File a lawsuit if necessary to increase pressure on the insurer
  • Support you throughout the car accident claim process from start to finish

If you have been injured in an accident involving a GEICO policyholder, don’t wait to contact us. We can provide the legal representation you need and fight for the financial compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation today so we can discuss your case and start building your claim.

law firm Helping client With Virginia GEICO Claim

Get the Compensation You Deserve After an Accident with Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci

At the law firm of Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci, we are dedicated to helping car accident victims throughout Virginia recover the compensation they need for their losses. We understand how devastating a car accident can be and how challenging it can be to obtain fair compensation from big insurance companies like GEICO. With our help, you can increase your chances of recovering the money you need to move forward.

Contact us today to get started on your Virginia car accident claim with a free consultation. Our experienced attorneys are here to answer any questions and help protect your rights. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

What Our Client Say:

"During an extremely emotional time you were understanding, caring, professional, and communicated clearly every step of the way."
Craig and Cassye M.
"Their trial experience is very impressive. They were willing to listen to us and asked probing questions for case preparation."
Deborah and David C.
"I always felt confident that my case was in the right hands."
Samantha P.
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