Nursing home abuse is a serious issue that can lead to long-term injuries or even death. If you are worried about your safety, your family member, or any other person living in a nursing home, contact a nursing home abuse attorney with Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci for help. Our personal injury attorneys have extensive experience handling elder abuse and neglect cases in Richmond and across the state.
What Rights Does a Nursing Home Resident have in Richmond, Virginia?
Some of the essential rights residents of nursing homes have in Virginia include:
-The right to be free from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.
-The right to be treated with dignity and respect.
-The right to receive adequate medical care and services.
-The right to privacy and confidentiality.
If you feel that someone has violated your loved one’s rights in a Virginia nursing home, contact Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci today for a free consultation. We will help you protect your loved one’s rights and get them the justice they deserve, and we will also be fiercely protective of the attorney-client relationship.

Can a Nursing Home be Held Liable for Abuse?
Yes, nursing homes can face liability for abuse if they are neglectful in any way. For example:
– If your loved one has suffered an injury as a result of another residents’ actions – and you feel that the Richmond, Virginia nursing home should have known about it and done something to prevent it from happening – they can be held liable.
-If your loved one had an accident due to poor maintenance or care on the part of the facility, like slipping on wet floors or appliances left out by staff members, the nursing home can also be found liable.
A Virginia nursing home abuse attorney with Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci will help ensure that all of your questions are answered and get justice for you and your family.
What Are Some Signs of Abuse and Neglect in Virginia Nursing Homes?
Virginia nursing home abuse can take many forms, from intentional acts of violence by staff members to neglect that leads to severe injury or death.
While most nursing home abuse cases occur behind closed doors and are challenging to detect, some telltale signs can alert you if your loved one is a victim. Here are just a few:
-Unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts
-Sudden changes in behavior, such as becoming agitated, withdrawn, or aggressive
-Weight loss or malnutrition
-Bedsores or skin ulcers
– Unsanitary living conditions
– Acts of aggression by a nursing home staff member towards a resident or patient in their care
If you see any of these signs in your loved one living in a nursing home or an assisted living facility, you must contact an attorney right away. Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci will help investigate the situation and take appropriate legal action.

Patterns of Abuse in Nursing Homes
The most common type of abuse is neglect, which can include things like not providing adequate food or water, failure to clean or bathe residents, and leaving them unattended for long periods.
Other types of abuse include physical assault, sexual assault, financial exploitation, and emotional abuse.
In Virginia, any abuse or neglect is a punishable offense. If you have seen signs that your loved one may be suffering from nursing home abuse and neglect, call a nursing home abuse lawyer with Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci today for help. Our team will work closely with your family to ensure you get the outcome you deserve.
Examples of Nursing Home Abuse
Abuse in a nursing home facility can take many forms, including:
– Physical Abuse is any physical pain or injury not due to an accident. Examples include hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking and pinching, and withholding basic needs like food or water.
– Emotional Abuse occurs when the nursing staff constantly insults your loved one’s character or intelligence in front of others to make themselves look better. It also includes threatening to harm family members if they do not behave accordingly.
– Sexual Abuse is defined as nonconsensual sexual contact between a patient and an employee of the facility through intimidation or coercion with no valid medical reason for it taking place.
– Financial Abuse is when nursing home staff members or family members take advantage of a patient’s diminished mental state to steal money, property, or other assets.
– Neglect is the most common type of abuse and occurs when nursing home staff members do not provide the necessary care for a resident, leading to severe injury or death.
Nursing homes should be safe havens for our elderly loved ones, but these facilities often become places of abuse and neglect instead. If you believe your loved one is being violated, contact Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci today for a free consultation.
Why Does Nursing Home Abuse Happen?
There is no one answer to this question, as there can be many different reasons why a nursing home staff member may choose to abuse or neglect a resident.
It could be that the staff is overworked and underpaid and doesn’t have enough time to care for all of the residents properly. It could also be that the staff is angry at the resident for some reason and takes out their frustration on them.
Whatever the reason, nursing home abuse and neglect are harmful to residents’ health and can even result in death.

What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse
Nursing home residents will often not speak up when they experience abuse. Usually, they’re too afraid to say anything, thinking they’ll suffer even worse in terms of retribution. In addition, some residents can’t say anything due to health conditions.
As a result, you’ll need to be ready to take action on your own if you have any reason to believe a loved one is suffering abuse. If you believe the abuse is an emergency, contact the police immediately. Give authorities the name of your loved one, the nursing home’s address, and a general description of what has happened.
If the situation is not an emergency, you can contact Virginia Adult Protective Services at (888) 832-3858. You can also talk to someone with the Virginia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program at (804) 565-1600.
Talk to an Attorney as Soon as Possible
If you think that your loved one is being neglected or abused, the first step is always to contact a nursing home abuse attorney. The sooner an investigation begins and legal action starts, the better chance of holding those responsible accountable for their actions and getting justice for your family member.
Our nursing home abuse attorneys will help you determine if your loved one is suffering abuse and what steps to take next. When fighting for justice on behalf of the victims, few law firms in Virginia have more experience than Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci.
We have a long track record of successfully representing residents who were neglected or abused by their caretakers.
Our experienced injury lawyers are dedicated to helping our clients get maximum compensation for damages sustained during such incidents, including:
-Hospital bills (emergency room, long-term care, etc.)
-Cost of rehabilitation or therapy
-Pain and suffering
We understand that this is a difficult time for you and your loved one, and we will do everything in our power to make the process as smooth as possible. Contact Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci today for a free consultation. We are here to help.
How Do I File a Complaint for Nursing Home Abuse in Richmond?
If you suspect your loved one has been a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, the first thing to do is file a complaint by contacting the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) online.
You should include as much information about what happened and why it occurred. For example:
-What were the events leading up to the incident? Who was involved? Were there any witnesses? What exactly took place? Why did this happen? Was anyone injured during this time? How badly and for how long will they be affected by their injuries/condition?
-Any medical records that could help support your claim, such as doctor notes, lab results, etc., should also be included with your official complaint. Make sure to keep a copy of your complaint for your records.
-If the abuse is physical, take pictures of any injuries sustained (bruises, cuts, etc.), as this will help with the investigation.
After filing your complaint, keep in touch with VDH about the progress of their investigation and what actions are being taken. Remember that you can also contact an attorney at Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci for additional support.
We understand how complicated this process can be and are here to help in any way possible. Our nursing home abuse attorneys will help you determine if your loved one is being abused and what steps to take next.

Proving Damages in Nursing Home Abuse Cases
Our experienced injury lawyers know how much harm neglectful actions can do to an older adults health, which means that they are dedicated to helping our clients get maximum compensation for damages sustained during such incidents, including:
-Hospital bills (emergency room, long-term care, etc.)
-Cost of rehabilitation or therapy
-Pain and suffering
One of the most challenging aspects of suing a nursing home for abuse is proving that the defendant was negligent and caused damages. This often requires taking depositions from employees, administrators, family members and reviewing medical records to establish a pattern of neglect.
Our attorneys have years of experience in this area and will use every tool at their disposal to get you the compensation you deserve.
If you think your loved one may be a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, contact Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci today for a free consultation. We are here to help.
Evidence Will Be Key when it Comes to Proving Nursing Home Abuse
Like any personal injury case, having strong evidence will be vital in proving nursing home abuse. Make sure any injuries are documented in writing, with photographs if possible.
Also, try to document anything you feel is suspicious, such as:
-Withdrawal of consent for treatment or medications
-Sudden changes in behavior
-Unusual abrasions or bruises around mouth area (indicating they have been gagged)
-Obvious signs of over medication—extreme drowsiness, inability to awaken easily, etc.
-Poor personal hygiene due to lack of assistance by staff members when bathing and changing clothes
The more evidence you can produce, the better the chances you’ll hold the nursing home accountable for its negligence.
Taking a Nursing Home Abuse Case to Trial
Unfortunately, nursing home abuse cases are common and occur more than most people realize. Although the extent varies by case, it is important to know that many of these incidents go unreported due to victims being too frail or uncooperative in reporting what happened.
It is often difficult for family members to prove negligence when taking a nursing home abuse case to trial. However, our experienced attorneys will use every available resource at their disposal.
We often hire experts such as forensic nurses who can testify about any injuries sustained during the abusive incident. Expert testimony is often a powerful piece of evidence, potentially leading up to millions of dollars in compensation.
Tips to Help You Keep Your Loved One Safe in a Richmond Nursing Home
While you can’t keep watch on your beloved family member in a nursing home 24 hours a day, seven days a week, there are some things you can do to help keep them as safe as possible.
-Make regular visits to see your loved one and talk with the staff about their condition and how they are doing.
-If you notice any changes in their behavior or physical appearance, report it immediately to the nursing home staff.
-Keep a journal of all interactions with nursing home staff, including what was said and done and the time and date.
-Check on your loved one regularly through video chat services like Skype or FaceTime.
-Have an emergency plan in place if you need to remove them from the nursing home quickly.
Nursing home abuse is a serious problem that often goes unreported. However, by being proactive and knowing what to look for, you can help protect your loved ones and hold nursing homes responsible for their negligent actions.
Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney in Richmond as Soon as You Can
When fighting for justice on behalf of the victims, few law firms in Virginia have more experience than Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci. We have been successfully representing residents who were neglected or abused by their caretakers, and we can work with you every step of the way as we build your case. Call today for a free consultation.