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Attention Patients Of Dr. Michael Bigg And The Allison Breast Center

Attention Patients Of Dr. Michael Bigg And The Allison Breast Center

On May 20, 2020, Dr. Michael Bigg’s license was suspended by the Virginia Department of Health Professions. Subsequently, the Allison Breast Center on Forest Avenue in Richmond, Virginia, owned and operated by Dr. Bigg was, temporarily closed. The suspension of Dr. Bigg’s license and the closure of the Allison Breast Center occurred as a result of an investigation conducted by the Board of Medicine involving 18 Allison Breast Center patients. The 66-page report states, in part,

“Dr. Bigg is incompetent to practice medicine and surgery with safety to patients and the public, in that he, including by and through his employees acting under his direction and control at ABC, failed, contrary to sound medical judgment and acceptable standards of medical practice, to appropriately work-up, diagnose, and manage multiple ABC patients, failed to maintain complete and accurate records for these patients, and failed to conduct himself and his practice in a safe and responsible manner.”

On November 21, 2019, our firm filed suit against Dr. Bigg and the Allison Breast Center for negligent interpretation of Marian Kay Smith’s mammograms and ultrasounds from 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, resulting in a delayed diagnosis of breast cancer. When Kay’s cancer was finally detected in late October 2018, it had already metastasized. Kay fought for justice for herself and the safety of other women until her last breath on April 11, 2020. Our team, led by Attorney Stephanie Grana, will continue to fight for Kay Smith as well as other victims of Dr. Bigg.

If you were a patient of the Allison Breast Center, we understand how troubling the news of the allegations raised by the Virginia Board of Medicine against Dr. Bigg must be. The best thing you can do for your current health is to schedule a new mammogram or ultrasound. Many of our local hospitals have designated diagnostic breast centers that would be an option for you. Please reach out to your Primary Care Physician or OBGYN for a referral. Also, it may be helpful to call your insurance company and share the Board of Medicine Order and Statement of Allegations to explain why a repeat mammogram or ultrasound is being requested.

Additionally, as a patient of Allison Breast Center, you have a right to your medical records as well as the imaging studies pursuant to VirginiaCode Section 8.01-413. We recommend that you call and request the records. If no one answers, or you can’t leave a message, you should send a letter via email or fax requesting your medical records, as well as imaging studies. Keep track of your communications – make a copy of your letter and note the dates and times that you reached out to follow-up. Request that your records not be mailed but that you want to pick them up. Be patient, it may take some time to get this information.

Cantor Grana Buckner Bucci will be glad to provide you with a template letter to request your records/imaging studies as well as a copy of the Board of Medicine Statement of Allegations to share with your insurance company. Please call 855-936-1747 and we will coordinate getting these to you.

If you were a patient of Dr. Bigg and have received a breast cancer diagnosis, you should speak to our team about the pending cases we have against Dr. Bigg to see if pursuing a lawsuit is an option for you as well. You can reach us here or by calling 855-936-1747.

More Information: Recent News Stories Regarding Dr. Bigg:

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